My name is Romeo Peričić, born in Zadar, Croatia. I am an Anesthesiologist at a reputable hospital in New Jersey. Although I love medicine very much, my first love has always been mathematics, especially, statistics and probability.

Due to extreme demands of the medical field that passion had remained dormant until I was introduced to the greatest software program in the world approximately 20 years ago: Microsoft Excel. Needless to say I fell in love with it, and through the years have become quite adroit in its use.....

The little free time that I had on my hands I devoted to my family and watching sports. Soccer, my favorite sport, was never popular here in the USA, so I watched football and basketball instead.......

Subsequently, I fell in love with both sports... especially, professional football. Thoroughbred racing has been a passion of mine for a very long time....

Combining all of the above, I began statistically analyzing NFL and NBA games, as well as thoroughbred racing, using excel...

Additionally, I was introduced to neural networks and genetic algorithms and immediately realized the potential they had in analyzing the vast data I had accrued over the years. Soon, I realized that predicting outcomes was, to say the least, a very arduous task, .....

My persistence and many years of experimenting, have led me to develop a concept that seems logical and simple, yet predicts outcomes quite admirably....

There the saga begins................

Visit my NFL football site:


I always loved playing Chess as well. My father initially introduced me to the game when I was 9 years old and immediately fell in love with it. I went on to be the Captain of my High School team, and, while in High School, beat the "to be" US" Champion on two different occasions....

During medical school there was simply no time for serious chess but it has remained a hobby of mine....

Oh how I wish that these computer programs were around in my youth - Chessmaster, Fritz, and Rybka....

Here is one of my Chess Problems published in the "Sahovski Glasnik" in July of 1982.


Mate in three!